Friday, 9 December 2011

CHRISTMAS IN RECEPTION - click to read more

With Christmas just around the corner we had our Nativity Performance this week and we have been learning about Jesus and how he was born in a stable because there wasn't any room in the inns. The children really enjoyed dressing up for the Christmas performace and it really helped bring the story to life.

After learning all about the baby Jesus we had a visit from Effie's mum and her baby Poppy. We heard all about what it is like to have a baby and how to look after one. We heard a story all about a baby who likes to make a mess. Then we gave Poppy some space and watched her crawling, trying to walk, and having a bit of a dance. We all really enjoyed Poppy coming to visit us and Effie's mum answered lots of our questions.

A big thank you to Poppy and her mum, and also to the parents who are leaving comments on the Blog. It is really useful to hear what you think of the activities we are doing in Reception as it helps us to create more opportunities for your children to learn.

1 comment:

kim said...

We thought the nativity play went well and all the children were great. I really enjoyed seeing my son happily participating in his first school play.
My younger daughter also really enjoyed herself thanks to Mr Butcher & Mrs Barnett who let her sit with the children making her feel part of the excitement.