Friday, 9 November 2012


Write-Dance is our first introduction to basic handwriting. Before we can teach the children how to form neat letters we have to prepare their are muscles to move in the right ways. Write-Dance is a fun way to get the children using their arms to make straight and circular lines, moving their shoulders, elbows, and wrists as pivot points.

The first part is following a music CD with actions, 'dancing' along to a story that they will eventually draw a picture about...

Next the children draw their pictures using different arm movements...

In this picture you can see clouds at the top, a hill in the middle, and grass at the bottom,

Next the children move onto using either shaving foam or 'bubble-bath'. The children love every step of Write-Dance but particularly enjoy this bit. Again, the children make a picture in the mixture using different arm movements and practising the actions they will need to start writing neater letters.

The last part of Write-Dance is cleaning up the tables. The children use special cleaning gloves and mop us all of the shaving foam or 'bubble-bath'.

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