Friday, 20 September 2013

Write-Dance (Learning in Disguise)

This week we had our first go at Write-Dance. We did a special dance to music, drew some big pictures and got to draw / write in blobs of shaving foam! The teachers said this will help make our 'writing muscles' get stronger, we just thought we were having fun and getting to play with shaving foam...
In Phonics we have learnt s, a, t and p, making words like: tap, sat, sap, at...


Unknown said...

Learning is such fun... and a little bit messy!

Miss Draper said...

It was great to see you learning in such a fun (and messy) way and I am so pleased that you are already starting to read and spell. Well done Willows and Maples keep up the good learning:)

Miss Draper said...

Thank you to Reception for such a bright and colourful display in the school library. Your learning about Elmer looks brilliant!