Friday, 31 January 2014

Colour and Pattern (and lots of paint!)

As well as working our way through numerous Traditional Tales over the past few weeks we have been learning about colour and pattern. Every Wednesday afternoon we have had an extended art session where we have helped the children to learn all about patterns. Here are our 5 easy(ish) steps:
Step 1) explore paint - (make a mess)
Step 2) design a basic pattern on circles and build a caterpillar - (less messy)
Step 3)  learn about repeating patterns and design a butterfly by folding paper in half
Step 4) cut out butterflies and add to display - celebrate progress and admire paintings
Final Step) Clean up (still in progress)
Just a reminder about parents-teacher meetings next week.
We really can't wait to share the children's wonderful progress with you...
prepare to burst with pride...

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