Friday, 6 June 2014

Reception Airways

Having started a new half-term we needed to talk about what we could build in our role play area. The children had loads of ideas: fire station, care home, hospital, airport, travel agents to name just a few.

In the end we voted and decided to go with Brandon's idea of making an aeroplane, with the plan being to fly around the world and explore other countries.

The children have been working hard to make props, including luggage, tickets, passports, and the aeroplane itself, but they would really like to add some real items from aeroplanes and holidays.

If you have anything related to travelling that you think we could use, the children would be really grateful. Please don't send anything precious or important though because the nature of school role-play areas is that lots of things end up in the bin by the time we are finished with them...

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